Authorized by Congress in 1950, the U.S. Army Corps impounded Lake B.A. Steinhagen at Town Bluff - the confluence of the Neches and Angelina Rivers, with 10,000 acres of surface water for water supply, and hydroelectric power generation. Creation of Lake Steinhagen enabled steadier flow along the lower Neches River, "with continuous releases primarily being through a 'run of the river' hydroelectric plant," said Floyd Boyett, Town Bluff Project natural resource specialist and park ranger. However, "Town Bluff has no flood control prevention benefits attributed to it." The corps also maintains 22,800 acres surrounding the lake, including 13,000 acres it leases to Martin Dies Jr. State Park where visitors come to fish, boat and swim, according to Boyett.
Periodically the dam will be shutdown for either maintenance or in the event of potential hurricanes.
After the water is gone……
Now it is time again to drain the water again and perform maintenance on the dam. What is left?! A sea of green… will it appear if there is no green?
Infrared Dock
Darkest Waters
What lies between Land and sea?
Thank you for visiting.
Excert taken from CHRISTINE S. DIAMOND The Lufkin Daily News